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Trend in East Texas regarding money hungry patent trolls

Have you ever had one of those moments when you are watching a movie and there is a particular part that catches your attention and sticks with you until the right moment comes to apply it to your life? Well, mine is from National Treasure and this is the moment.

Remember towards the end of the movie and the good guys are being held hostage and forced to help the bad guys find the treasure? And as they are walking along held at gun point, the wise older father turns to his son, and says “You have to change the status quo.”

Well, imagine me as the wise older father and the court houses of Marshall, Texarkana, and Tyler Texas as the son, “You have to change the status quo.” because your being held hostage.

This trend of money-hungry patent trolls coming to these towns must stop. There has been a status quo established in the eastern district of Texas that has helped to intensify the illegitament business of making money off of bought out patents.

This status quo includes sped up court process specifically for patent infringement and a high percentage of victory for plaintiffs of these cases. Now there is not much you can do about the jury’s findings because jury tampering is illegal.

But one thing to consider is the manner in which the judges are handling the court process of these particular cases. A set of “no nonsense” rules have been established in which lawyers are given a limit of time to present all paper work and are timed by a chess timer when presenting their case in which they are abruptly stopped if the timer goes off.

These types of things are a major part of why their courts are found so appealing for this abuse. In order for these judges to continue their commitment to the betterment of our nation they must change the status quo held in their court houses.

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One Response to “Trend in East Texas regarding money hungry patent trolls”

  1. Sandy says:

    This trenD will continue too. The US is likely to join the rest of the world soon in that ownership of an invention is based on “first to file” rather than first to invent. That is, currently an inventor may prove his claim by submitting work logs, deposing witnesses, submitting receipts (with dates) etc to prove that he clearly had the idea and began building the invention first. The new “first to file” system favors large corporations who have the money to take (steal) an idea and pour the money into finishing and then patenting the invention before the original inventor does.

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