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Exercise in your Happy Zone

September 19th, 2011

Hopefully your doing some type of daily exercise already but for most of us we aren’t and so I am here to get you going on something small but good.

I recommend you have a goal of twenty minutes of exercise or movement of some kind a day. You can even break up this into two 10 minute intervals.

These small steps will be easy to adapt to and once you are comfortable doing this try increasing the time to 30 minutes and than once more to 45 minutes.

You will need to minimize soreness since this is likely very new to your body so have this routine vary every other day to begin with.

As you get more comfortable with the routine try adding a day or two until you are working out 5 days a week.

One of the easiest forms of exercise to start out with is to do a brisk walk.

As long as you keep your heart rate at around 65 – 85 percent you will accomplish about as much as you would through jogging.

The way to determine if you are in your target heart rate is to still be able to carry on a conversation while sweating a little in the process of your workout.

To calculate what your low end target heart rate should be for your age take the number 220 minus your age (mine is 35) 220 – 35 = 185. Now multiply 185 by .65 and you get 120 beats per minute. Your high end target heart rate would be 185 x .85 = 157 beats per minute.

If you are 35 years of age you can safely workout within the range of 120 – 157 beats per minute so long as you are not huffing away and are still able to have a conversation.

Some people may prefer to push themselves much more than this but this is really all you need to do to begin getting into a good workout routine.

A group exercise class at a Tyler gym works very well for me because each person can workout at their own intensity while an instructor leads the class.

You can read more about my local Tyler gym group exercise experience here