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Main Ingredient in HCG Weight Loss Serum?

December 10th, 2010

Pregnancy Hormone Weight LossAs you probably already know, the main ingredient of the HCG weight loss plan is the HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hormone.

Also, as you probably know, the hormone was discovered in pregnant women. So as we look into whether or not we want this to be our weight loss solution we need to ask the question, how is it produced?

Injections of Hormone to Lose Weight, Good or Bad Idea?

Many detractors and casual informants of HCG have stated that the product is manufactured from the urine of pregnant women. Of course, any truth of this would be hidden from the general public by HCG suppliers to avoid any controversy. And in fact hcgdietinfo.com claims adamantly that this is not true.

But a further look into other spheres, namely steroid users who use HCG to increase their testosterone,  has shown that it is understood that the hormone is excreted from the urine as it passes uncontaminated in a pregnant women’s blood through the kidneys.

Truth be told, even if it were true, how would we find out? On the other side of the coin we have read and been told that production of HCG in the United States is done in a FDA registered lab and that it has been prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

Further research shows that the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia is a book of conditions and standards that must be met when producing homeopathic products. Of course, we have no idea if those standards include excreting from urine.

General research of the subject still leaves questions, so when it comes to whether or not you wish to use or continue to use HCG a more thorough search with a physician or supplier would need to be done.

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HCG Hormone Weight Loss Process, What is it?

December 5th, 2010

HCG Hormone Weight Loss ProcessSo, what exactly is involved with the HCG diet weight loss plan, you might ask? With most readings you find about Dr. Simeons diet protocol on the internet or in hard copy, it talks extensively about a disciplined and detailed process that needs to be followed.

As we will see, the majority of this process has to do with the required diet more than anything else. Before going much further let’s review the philosophy behind the procedure. The HCG hormone’s main function in this diet is to “train” the metabolism to isolate calorie and fat burning to the unneeded “abnormal” fat found in our mid-section, hip, and thigh areas.

The HCG hormones supposed other function is to help stabilize the body from any side effects due to the unnaturally low 500-800 calorie diet prescribed in the protocol. Let’s look at the injection aspect first; which can actually be both complicated and/or simple.

Comments from those on the HCG Hormone Diet Plan

The easiest manner is to allow a physician or specialist to administer the injection for you. A secondary simple method is to purchase or order prefilled syringes that are ready to go. The final option for injection is to do all mixing of substance and drawing the injection yourself which can become more complicated and risky.

Now for the diet part of the HCG weight loss protocol. Due to the very low intake of 500 to 800 calories a day, each meal must be planned out ahead taking away all high fats, sugars and pretty much anything else under the sun!

The best recommended method for this is to have a Jillian Michael type like from “The Biggest Loser” breathing down your neck checking your every meal.  An example of a day of meals would go like this: a coffee or tea (without sugar and only a spoon of milk) in the morning, a protein entrée with one vegetable and one fruit. Then, repeat for dinner.

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Correct Process Required at Weight Loss Clinics for HCG Hormone Shots to Work

December 2nd, 2010

Correct Process for HCG Hormone Diet ProgramYou know that movie that came out on Halloween day called “Paranormal Activity 2”? You know that part in the trailer where they show a woman being swept off her feet, landing on her face, and then was drag in a freakish way with arms flailing into another room?

HCG Injections and Weight Loss

Well, if you can picture that, then you can get a sense of how some peoples recent experience with certain HCG weight loss clinics have felt like. Whatever your stand might be on whether or not Dr. Simeon’s or Kevin Trudeau’s HCG hormone injected programs work, if the process is not being ran correctly at clinics it doesn’t matter.

It was reported on ripoffreport.com how a certain clinic in the Dallas area had left a woman in what could be described as a “desperate” health condition. As it was told, after paying a large one -time fee and signing a contract the woman was ordered to take a blood test at a different location and then she would be given her HCG and diet protocol.

After beginning the process the woman began experiencing issues due to the low calorie diet including lethargy, fatigue, and what was describe as “…having a heart attack”. Upon contacting the clinic once again she given further instruction on what she was supposed to be doing and informed of a “disk” that would give that further information.

As time went on and other questions came up, the staff of the HCG clinic became less and less helpful until finally the woman was told that they would need to speak to one of several bosses. A look at this reported experience can tell us that as we might be interested in using HCG hormone injections as our preferred source of weight loss, it is a must to find a well ran clinic.

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