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Main Ingredient in HCG Weight Loss Serum?

December 10th, 2010

Pregnancy Hormone Weight LossAs you probably already know, the main ingredient of the HCG weight loss plan is the HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hormone.

Also, as you probably know, the hormone was discovered in pregnant women. So as we look into whether or not we want this to be our weight loss solution we need to ask the question, how is it produced?

Injections of Hormone to Lose Weight, Good or Bad Idea?

Many detractors and casual informants of HCG have stated that the product is manufactured from the urine of pregnant women. Of course, any truth of this would be hidden from the general public by HCG suppliers to avoid any controversy. And in fact hcgdietinfo.com claims adamantly that this is not true.

But a further look into other spheres, namely steroid users who use HCG to increase their testosterone,  has shown that it is understood that the hormone is excreted from the urine as it passes uncontaminated in a pregnant women’s blood through the kidneys.

Truth be told, even if it were true, how would we find out? On the other side of the coin we have read and been told that production of HCG in the United States is done in a FDA registered lab and that it has been prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

Further research shows that the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia is a book of conditions and standards that must be met when producing homeopathic products. Of course, we have no idea if those standards include excreting from urine.

General research of the subject still leaves questions, so when it comes to whether or not you wish to use or continue to use HCG a more thorough search with a physician or supplier would need to be done.

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Testimonials on websites offer positives of HCG Hormone for losing weight

December 1st, 2010

Pregnancy Hormone TestimonialsWhether you love him or hate him, the release of George W. Bush’s book “Decision Points” on November 9th stirred up memories of the former president’s unmoving stand on his convictions throughout his presidency. Despite the great opposition of a populace of differing opinions, President Bush made his choices and always stuck with it.

Do people say that HCG Hormone Shots Work?

As we aspire to reach our own lofty goals in life one could take President Bushs example as a rule of life. Of course, we are no 43rd President of the United States and this is no war on terrorism. So that being said, when it comes to deciding whether or not to stick with your current use of HCG hormone injections as a weight loss solution I say “let the populace be heard and take their advice!”

With numerous websites ran by health experts, doctors, and the overall population telling us of their experience available to us we must take into account what they have to say.

So, what are they saying? Without going into great details, here are a few observations made through a little surfing of the web. Fitness and diet websites including livestrong.com, dietinreviews.com, and wellsphere.com, along with almost any others that don’t carry the name “hcg” express doubts, reservations, or absolute rejection of HCG.

Medical and health websites like webmd.com and mayoclinic.com talk extensively about HCG and its shortcomings from a medical viewpoint.  Now when it comes to open forums seen in popular websites like oprah.com and amazon.com as well as smaller website open forums you will see an overwhelming amount of testimonies telling of the successful loss of weight.

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