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Selling My Home, Wood Real Estate Group in Tyler TX

My wife and I were married nearly two years ago, and as with anyone married (or remarried) in middle age, we both brought complicated family and financial situations that we’ve had to factor into the relationship. One of my complications has been my ownership of the three- bedroom country cottage I’ve owned for going on fifteen years or so and where my son lived the first seven years of his life. It’s been a great little home with some great memories attached to it. The house is a solid little starter home, but is also something of a project house as well. Over the years that I owned it, I was subsisting on a private, school teacher’s salary, while also trying to keep my son enrolled in private school. Consequently, I was forced either to put off necessary repairs, or find creative ways to make them myself in whatever fashion I could find.

When I married in 2015, my son and I move in with my wife and her elderly mother. At the time, I was engaged in attempting to sell my home to a family who desperately wanted to buy it but for a number of practical reasons, had been unable to close the deal with the bank. For a year, we tried to navigate life as well as find creative ways to make the sale possible for our friends. But each time we found a solution… we didn’t. There was always some sticking point that prevented an agreement between us. Finally, after more than a year of wrangling, we decided it was time to take a more conventional approach.

When we started interviewing realtors, we sat down with a representative for a local titan of realty. You know, the one who advertises on radio (and probably television) constantly. They promise to find a buyer for the seller’s home or purchase it themselves. Of course, the claim is a major oversimplification. At any rate, after an interview in which my wife and I came away feeling like we were in fact being interviewed for admittance into some select club we decided to keep looking. While I’m certain the realtor was an effective group, who genuinely worked for the client’s best interest, their rates were far too high and they were clearly used to higher end properties. A simple little cottage like mine could not offer enough return for both of us.

After a referral from my brother we next met with Martin Marroquin, of the Wood Real Estate Group. Martin was (and is) confident is his ability to find a buyer for my house. He’s undeterred either by the size or value of our house, or the fact that it’s an as is sale. While it’s a small company. Wood’s rates were far more realistic for us, and Martin offered us far more individual attention and an individual approach much more tailored to us as clients.

So where are we now? We’re still looking, and praying for the right buyers and at the same time looking for creative solutions. If readers are looking for a potentially great starter home or interested in a project house visit https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/9932-County-Road-1125-Tyler-TX-75709/52286566_zpid/ or contact Martin Marroquin at (903) 445-4558.6tag_301216-164229

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