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Tyler Makes Number 7 in a List of Top Performing Cities

December 16th, 2010

The Milken Institute is a non-profit financial think tank dedicated to improving social and economic conditions in the United States and around the world. They attempt to work hand in hand with businesses and educational institutions to help provide solutions to various social and economic challenges faced by many local communities. Clear as mud? Personally, I find it hard not to be cynical about do- goody organizations with a global out- look. I believe in private charity outreach, but I’m skeptical of the impact of grants and local bureaucracy to deeply impact and benefit the lives of individuals in a meaningful and lasting way. But that’s just me and I guess I digress.

Every year the Milken Institute releases a list of the best performing cities large and small. Cities are listed on the basis of job security, wages and salary, and technological growth. And Tyler, Texas has made the list the last two years! This year our fair city fell three slots to number seven, but on a list of one hundred seventy nine small cities, coming in that high is a great acknowledgement. The city’s website credits the work of city planners as part of the reason why. They claim the continued development of Tyler’s infrastructure has helped to encourage private growth. That may be true, at least in part. I for one am really glad to see the city’s services like sewer and water expanding. This is to their credit, but I am more apt to give the kudos to local businesses and private organization that drive our local economy rather than local bureaucrats. In general, I do think our city government does a pretty decent job. But continuing Tyler’s run as a solid, growing and financially stable community is more up to Tylerite’s commonsense and willingness to take financial risks in order to promote growth and less about government’s ability to manage and channel that growth.

As a whole, Texas cities faired this year. With the nation struggling to pull itself out of its financial funk, our State continues to be on more solid footing than many of our sister states! For more info on the Milken Institute, and it’s Best Performing Cities List, please visit the following web pages: http://www.cityoftyler.org/Home/tabid/36/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/865/CategoryID/11/NewsID/1199/Default.aspx, http://bestcities.milkeninstitute.org/bestcities2010.taf?rankyear=2010&type=rank118 8