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Tyler, Texas Weight Management: Dangerous Diuretics May Dehydrate

Diuretics can offer great relief for the times you truly need them.  Feeling bloated can be quite uncomfortable and if this is the reason you are using diuretics then you should be fine.  Abusing diuretics for the purposes of weight loss, however, is a really bad idea.  Sure, it may work for a day or two, but if you continue using them thinking you’ll keep losing weight you will end up dehydrated and sick.

Diuretics in Tyler, Texas, often called water pills, work by increasing the production and elimination of urine.  They are very effective at getting rid of excess water that the body may be retaining.  Most people will see a difference on the scales when using diuretics.  However, keep in mind that the pounds you see here is nothing more than water weight, not fat.  If they are used beyond one or two days, the body will begin to retain more water in an attempt to protect itself against dehydration.

Once the body enters this stage, a vicious cycle begins.  You stop taking the water pills and begin to feel bloated because the body is retaining water.  So you take some more pills to feel better and the body tries even harder to hold on to this precious element.  Eventually dehydration will set in, which could be life threatening.

A much better way to shed water weight is to sweat it out.  You will also receive the benefits that come from exercise for meaningful weight loss.

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