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Redeeming Tattoos, A Christian Tattoo Parlor in Tyler

Tyler Texas Tattoos

Tyler Texas Tattoos

Some subjects overwhelm me when I sit down to write about them. Either because I recognize it as a great subject that needs to be covered and I know nothing about it or I know a great deal about it and don’t know where to begin. Both of these can be really difficult and I often find that the writing process begins very slowly.

Then there are topics like the one I’m leading into, of which I know just enough to be dangerous, but the topic is so much fun, I look forward to getting started. Well, there is a new business in Tyler that will most likely cause a small stir. It’s called Redeeming Tattoos, and much of their art is of a religious nature. So yes they operate a Christian tattoo parlor.

Now I have to admit this is a very unconventional idea for Southern Baptist East Texas and I look forward to hearing the responses from the more conservative quarters of that community. In fact my personal take on this subject may surprise readers who know me. I’m not a collector of tattoos, although I have a number of close friends who are. I’m not covered ink, although I’m not a stranger to the tattoo parlor either. I’ve watched a few artists work, and I find the process and artistry quite interesting.

In recent years the culture around tattooing has certainly changed. It’s not just the bikers and skaters who wear them anymore. I’ve known teachers, pastors and corporate bosses who wore them albeit often discreetly hidden beneath their clothes. I am myself a practicing Christian, and while I don’t endorse the art form as being for everyone, neither do I believe it to be a mortal sin. Furthermore I find nothing in Scripture where it is stipulated as such.

The closest reference I find is the Biblical mandate that we (Jews and Christians) are not to “mark yourselves for the dead,” meaning that we are not to accept tattoos as a function of occult worship or practice, something common in the non Judeo- Christian religions. Obviously the concern there is less with the actual ink and more with the association with paganism. The argument I hear most often is “But, my body is a temple!” To which a friend of mine responded, “And is a temple not full of ornate carvings and works of art?”

The fact is this argument would carry more weight if it was not so often used by individuals who were in excess of two hundred fifty pounds and subsist almost exclusively on a diet of Doritos, red meat and Dr. Pepper, (not that I’m against any of those things in moderation). The fact is, we all have our vices, the trick is to keep them to a minimum, and enjoy them in manageable doses.   

As best as I can tell, Redeeming Tattoos is a clean reputable shop, with solid artists, who’ve been practicing their art for quite some time, and a satisfied client list. Part of their purpose is to share their faith with their customers. As Christians we need to strive for excellence in whatever our field. The folks at Redeeming Tattoos are, by all accounts doing just that.

A new shop, they are located at 12982 State Hwy 31 W. in Tyler. Were I in the market for a tat, I would much sooner visit them than most of the other seedier businesses in town. For more information, or to see samples of their work, they can be found on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tyler-TX/Redeeming-Tattoos/112980208736318. To make a reservation they can be reached by phone at (903)360-4863.

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2 Responses to “Redeeming Tattoos, A Christian Tattoo Parlor in Tyler”

  1. The fact is the argument would carry more weight if it was not so often used by individuals who were in excess of two hundred fifty pounds and subsist almost exclusively on a diet of Doritos, red meat and Dr. Pepper, (not that I’m against any of those things in moderation). The fact is, we all have our vices, the trick is to keep them to a minimum, and enjoy them in manageable doses.

  2. Kolby says:

    I am a customer of Floyd's at Redeeming Tattoo's and have collected several Tattoos over my life. I have sat for several hours in many chairs while the artist did his or her craft. That being said I assure you I have never had the pleasure of having deep and meaningful conversations with the person who was applying my ink in the way I have experienced with Floyd. It was not hours of preaching at me like he had me trapped and knew I could not leave, but rather a very pleasant and meaningful conversation of the similarities of our lives and our life experiences. I went in to Redeeming Tattoos because he preformed the kind of work I liked but left the shop with sooo much more. A great story, a new friend and also a Awesome Tattoo!

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