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Church in Temple Texas Burned Down

January 19th, 2010

The First Baptist Church in Temple TX has been burned down. This marks the 8th church in Texas to be burned down since January 2010. This church is a little further off the map in more of a central Texas area than where most of the churches were burned in East Texas.

The arsonist appear to be evading authorities by moving from city to city before things become too obvious. These criminals will be caught eventually and I encourage everyone to install security cameras that have night surveillance ability outside their church buildings.

Local Tyler Texas and East TX churches can pick up night video security cameras at Sam’s Wholsale Club for fairly cheap. If your church members pull in together and install one of these cameras on your outside facilities you should be able to get the arsonists in action and bring this church burning issue to a quick close.

These people in my opinion are probably highschoolers believing this is somehow fun. They could also be Muslim extremists also relatively young as Muslim extremists usually are. Considering the arsonists burned down a Church of Christ Scientist they obviously do not know the difference between a real Christian church and a cult.

Because the arsonists are targeting any building that appears to be a church it could be that they do not have a good understanding of what is considered a Christian church which leads me to consider the possibility that they are Muslim. It is also possible these people could be atheists but I don’t believe atheists normally use violence to make their point.

The only other possibility is that these people are just your run of the mill pyros like the guy in the movie “The Stand”.