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Namaste Bombay Indian Food Restaurant

February 16th, 2011

Namaste BombayI have been holding off on going to this restaurant because I have been sick for several days but as my symptoms have subsided I  decided to trek out with my son to give it a shot.

My wife stayed home with Scarlet Fever while me and my son have just gotten over the flu and had a bit more of an appetite considering all we have eaten all week was chicken noodle soup.

I ordered the Lamb Makhani – lamb with tomato gravy, fenugreek leaves with Indian Spice. It was spicy but not too bad although if you are not someone who likes spicy food you should pass on this one. I loved it, the sauce was great, the meat was very good as well as the delicious Mango yogurt drink I got with my meal.

I shared the rice and Naan bread with my son and didn’t give him any of the spicy stuff.

The food tasted very similar to what I remember eating at an Indian friends house several years ago. What I remember was that my friends wife made very good Indian food and this restaurant offers a good replacement to that fond memory.

If you have always wanted to eat Indian food on occasion in your home town in Tyler TX you now have that opportunity.

Lamb Makhani Namaste Bombay is located close to Chili’s in Tyler on the loop. Feel free to comment with what you have tried and liked at this restaurant to give other Tylerites some good ideas about what to try when they go.

Namaste Bombay Indian Food in Tyler TX

February 15th, 2011

Namaste Bombay Tyler TexasMany people who would classify themselves in the Indian food connoisseur (I apologize for using french) category still don’t even know that there are two Indian restaurants in Tyler.

Namaste Bombay
713 WSW Loop 323, Suite F
Open Tuesday-Sunday
Lunch buffet: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Dinner menu: 5:15-10 p.m.

My brother has told me that Namaste Bombay was pretty good. I like Indian food as well but the sign threw me off at first because I could barely make out what it said.

Now that I have some recommendations from my brother and overheard an Indian in Bodacious barbecue give a thumbs up on this Tyler Texas Indian restaurant as well as the one at Holiday Inn I will have to try it out.

It takes me awhile to try out a new restaurant as I like to see a new place be completely accepted by the mass public before I will usually become a restaurant patron.

I have heard this Indian restaurant offers buffets at 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  as well as a menu where you can order what you like from 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Indian Food Tyler TexasThey mention that they are  a vegan friendly restaurant but this doesn’t mean they don’t serve meat.

I assume they have popular Indian dishes like, chicken curry, yogurt type stuff, and probably a lot of rice related things. Usually an Indian restaurant will have things similar to tortillas but they will be crispy and flaky.

Rather then listen to me write off a bunch of things from their menu you can read it online here. Be prepared for some sweet Indian music while you read – click here to read menu

You also usually get a good selection of spices and sauces at an Indian restaurant. Obviously I don’t know much about this place yet but I do plan to go and check it out and would have gone this Valentines day had I not had the flu.

This restaurant is on your way to Chuck E Cheese pizza and in front of New Covenant church and Kings Academy. If these land marks still don’t help they are also near Chili’s Bar and Grill and on the same side of the highway as Chili’s.

Look for the white sign that has something written in a weird font that you probably won’t be able to read even with good eye site.

I think all in all I will probably really like this restaurant and have been wanting to go ever since I heard about it but the flu has been holding me back.

On the owners website he seems to have a passion for this new restaurant and I hope it does well because every town needs a couple of Indian restaurants and I like Indian food, it’s just good stuff to put in your mouth.