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Wisconsin Atheists Sue Texas Governor Rick Perry

July 15th, 2011

A group of busy body interventionist atheists from Wisconsin is suing the governor of Texas for his participation in a public prayer rally in Houston due to happen next month. Now try as I might I can’t seem to rap my head around the Texas- Wisconsin connection. The Freedom from Religion Foundation is supposedly filing its lawsuit on behalf of Texas Members. The problem is, in my experience, the term “on behalf of,” is often dubious in the extreme. How many times in history has tyranny been imposed “on behalf of,” one group, onto another? I’m frankly, not all that concerned with what a tiny minority, hundreds of miles away has to say about a religious prayer meeting here in Texas.

And so what if the Governor is a religious man, and finds prayer helpful? I’d wager most Texans espouse some kind of religious view! If anything, Governor Perry’s faith makes him a more accurate representative of his constituents. The fact is the August meeting is a non-denominational, non- sectarian event. Everyone is welcome and no one is required. As far as I can see prohibiting the Governor from attending amounts to nothing more than an infringement of his right of free association.

What annoys me most about the whole episode is that, anytime a public figure who happens to be a Christian wants to meet with other Christians, the “smart people” come out of the wood work to moralize about their interpretation of the “separation of church and state;” unless of course that public figure happens to be President Obama. The fact is no one will be hurt by the Governor attending a prayer rally. But some folks just can’t tolerate other people’s pursuit of happiness. I suggest the Wisconsin atheists hold their own uh… symposium on the ineffectiveness of public prayer. I won’t attend, but I promise not to sue either.

Persecution of Christians is on the Rise Again

January 18th, 2011

There has been an increase in violence against Christians in Middle Eastern and African countries Like Egypt and Iraq in the last few weeks. It’s interesting that there is very little government concern in those predominately Muslim nations about the “rising tide of Christian-phobia” sweeping the region! In fact authorities in these countries are very hesitant to act in protection of their Christian minorities because they fear popular reaction and that of the religious leaders and clerics.

What we in the west fail to grasp is that in the Islamic world, the separation of church and state simply doesn’t exist. Iraq for example is a theocratic state. To choose another faith, especially Christianity, is not only a religious statement but a statement of political dissent. To attack a Christian, in many Muslim societies, is an attack on the western society. Americans are constantly citing the separation of church and state (usually incorrectly I might add) but to many in countries like Iraq and Iran this distinction simply does not exist. We are all from Christian cultures, therefore we are all Christians.

Western governments have been slow to bring political pressure as well. Strange, given that when a nutty and generally misguided pastor of a tiny Florida church threatened to burn the Koran, all political hell broke loose. Calls came in from far and wide urging the man to release his leather bound hostages and restore world peace. Look I don’t like book burning in any form but how does the empty threat to burn a few texts compare to blowing up a crowd of human beings leaving a church after mass? The loudest protests to this point have come from Italy (Rome) of course, who plans to work to reduce aid to offending nations from the EU and the UN. Pope Benedict has also called on eastern governments to protect their Christian citizens.

Now I will of course offer the standard disclaimer that I’m not talking about all Muslims. Ironically I doubt that as a Christian I would receive the same courtesy in the Muslim world. The fact is, outside the context of Europe and North America, where political correctness reigns, there is an actual religious cleansing going on. But it’s not likely to become a cause celeb given the fact that the victims are Christians. Christianity is of course the only religion / culture that modern political correctness allows us mock, ridicule and generally persecute.