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Church in Temple Texas Burned Down

The First Baptist Church in Temple TX has been burned down. This marks the 8th church in Texas to be burned down since January 2010. This church is a little further off the map in more of a central Texas area than where most of the churches were burned in East Texas.

The arsonist appear to be evading authorities by moving from city to city before things become too obvious. These criminals will be caught eventually and I encourage everyone to install security cameras that have night surveillance ability outside their church buildings.

Local Tyler Texas and East TX churches can pick up night video security cameras at Sam’s Wholsale Club for fairly cheap. If your church members pull in together and install one of these cameras on your outside facilities you should be able to get the arsonists in action and bring this church burning issue to a quick close.

These people in my opinion are probably highschoolers believing this is somehow fun. They could also be Muslim extremists also relatively young as Muslim extremists usually are. Considering the arsonists burned down a Church of Christ Scientist they obviously do not know the difference between a real Christian church and a cult.

Because the arsonists are targeting any building that appears to be a church it could be that they do not have a good understanding of what is considered a Christian church which leads me to consider the possibility that they are Muslim. It is also possible these people could be atheists but I don’t believe atheists normally use violence to make their point.

The only other possibility is that these people are just your run of the mill pyros like the guy in the movie “The Stand”.

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12 Responses to “Church in Temple Texas Burned Down”

  1. MB says:

    Are you serious? "Considering the arsonists burned down a Church of Christ Scientist they obviously do not know the difference between a real Christian church and a cult."

    • admin says:

      We mean no harm towards the people attending Christ Scientist churches by using the term "cult". By saying The Church of Christ Scientist religion is a cult we are pointing out their denial that Jesus is God and in fact that He claimed to be God. The term cult is used many different ways and what I mean by cult is unorthodox Christian teachings while yet claiming to be Christian. Other denominations that would fall in this category are the Oneness Pentecostals, Mormons, and Jehovah Witnesses. It is an agreed upon fact by many Christian theologians, most protestant denominations as well as the Catholic church that the Church of Christ Scientist falls outside of orthodox Christianity. Namely, the belief that Jesus is not God and never claimed to be God by The Church of Christ Scientist would put it in that category. We pray for the Christ Scientist church congregation in Tyler that had this misfortune as did many others in Tyler and East Texas regarding the recent church burnings. We are only trying to make sense of what these perpetrators motives might have been.

      For more information on Jesus claiming to be God in the Bible I recommend reading these verses below. Without Jesus being God he would not be able to pay for the penalty of man's sins or save us from death. This is the basic tenant of Christian faith. Usually a church claiming that Jesus is not God will translate any verse that proves Jesus is God in a way so it no longer seems to say that. This can be seen in Bible translations in both the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Jehovah Witnesses bible versions. Although the Christian Scientist church reads from the KJV they will also interpret Bible passages using the book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures". This additional book will likely attempt to explain away the verses below that prove that Jesus did claim to be God.

      * John 8:58 – Jesus declared, "I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."

      * John 10:30 – “I and the Father are one.”

      * John 10:33 – “For a good work we stone thee not; replied the Jews, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.”

      * John 1:1 – says that “the Word was God.”

      * John 1:14 – says that “And the Word was made flesh"

      * John 6:41

      * John 8:12

      * John 10: 7

      * John 10: 11, 14

      * John 10:36

      * John 14:6 (three "I AM" statements)

      * John 15:1

      * John 18:37

  2. GBryan says:

    I appreciate what you wrote clarifying the difference between a Christian church and a cult. I don't think most people are aware of the differences. Thanks for the references. They allow people to see for themselves what you are talking about.

  3. pleasecheckyourfacts says:

    First off, I don't know what you believe to be a religion, but Christian Science is defined and recognized as a Christian faith.

    Definition of a Christian: (emphasis on #4)

    1. of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ

    2. exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike

    3. a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity

    4. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus

    In regards to your statement: “we are pointing out their denial that Jesus is God”, Christian Scientist believe that Jesus is the SON of God, and through his human existence on earth he was a messenger sent to spread the truth and healing power of God through himself—Christ Jesus.

    As to your statement “He [Jesus] claimed to be God”, and your supporting evidence from your Bible selections, God spoke through his messenger and son, Christ Jesus, as to the bible references you gave.

    John 8:58 states “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.”…yet simply 4 verses above, “Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: Yet ye have not known him; but I know him, and keep his saying.”

    John 10:30 saying “I and the Father are one” can have many interpretations if you take it literally it would mean Jesus and God are the same “person” but Jesus was a material representation of God’s works and teachings—a messenger, the Christ.

    John 6:41 “I am the bread that came down from heaven”—could mean many things depending upon what you interpret it. It could mean that The Christ is the support and daily provider that we all need in our lives; it could mean that he is the literal, or the material representation of God on earth, that is left up to interpretation as are many things in the Bible.

    Science & Health does not “attempt to explain away” YOUR views of what is said in the Bible, it simply interprets it from another standpoint.

    You consider the Christian Science teachings to be “Unorthodox Christian teachings while yet claiming to be Christian”, yet, have you ever read Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy? Have you ever attended a church service? I would assume not, or your conceptions of Christian Science might be much different. Christian Scientists strongly believe in Christ Jesus and his works, as does your denomination I presume.


    Christian Science

    n. The church and the religious system founded by Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizing healing through spiritual means as an important element of Christianity and teaching pure divine goodness as underlying the scientific reality of existence.

    (American Heritage Dictionary)

    Christian Science should not be confused with Scientology. Despite a somewhat similar name, the two groups are completely different and have almost nothing in common.

    But Christian Science DOES have common ties with many of the other Christian faiths.

    “Christian Scientists believe in one, infinite God who is All and all-good. They believe that God is not distant and unknowable, but that God is all-encompassing and always present, and that each individual is loved by God, cared for by Him, and made in God’s image—spiritual, not material.

    Christian Scientists believe in the Bible and in Christ Jesus as the Son of God, or promised Messiah. And they believe that Jesus’ teachings and healing work expressed scientific Christianity, or the application of the laws of God—laws which are still practical and provable today, by anyone, anywhere. Christian Scientists consider the Commandments, as well as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, to be central to their lives and practice of Christianity.

    Above all, Christian Scientists believe in the saving, healing power of God’s love—that no one is beyond redemption, that no problem is too entrenched or overwhelming to be addressed and healed. In other words, Christian Scientists don’t believe that salvation occurs at some point in the future, but that the presence of God’s goodness can be experienced here and now—and by everyone.”


    Also on the website you can check out frequently asked questions. Such as:

    *Why do you call yourselves Christian?

    Because Christian Science is based on the Bible, and Christian Scientists follow the teachings and ministry of Christ Jesus. In fact, the virgin birth, the crucifixion, the resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus, and so on, are all central to Christian Science theology.

    *Is Christian Science a cult?

    No. There is no brainwashing, mind control, or blind following of a leader. Christian Scientists do have a deep respect and appreciation for the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, but they do not worship her.

    The fact that you belittle the Christian Science denomination to status of a “cult” and what you demean as not a “real Christian church” based on the little outside knowledge you have researched/collected seems rather insensitive because you, being a Christian I presume, I would expect to see more of a Christianly brotherly and acceptance in this time—when all churches are bowing our heads together in prayer for ALL of those who have been affected…

    • admin says:

      I really am not meaning to hurt anyone's feelings that may be going to the Christian Science church. I do understand the difference between it and Scientology. I have spent some time reading Mary Baker Eddy in the past which is why I have an opinion on this.

      I understand that your church is not a cult in the aspect of mind control and worshiping a leader and so on. As what many refer to in a derogatory manner as Christian fundamentalism you could categorize me in that light.

      I take a churches stance on not believing that Jesus is God as heresy and would have to put that church in the category of "cult" not in order to name call but I see any church that denies this basic tenant of Christianity as a cult and very dangerous. By believing in your churches version of Jesus He couldn't possibly save anybody or forgive their sins as only God can do these things. This difference in my view is the difference in God "saving you" or condemning someone to hell for not believing in the real Jesus.

      As you can see my point is not to pick on a church but as a Christian fundamentalist I feel an urgency to point out these differences as they are the difference of going to heaven or hell. My intolerance in my understanding is me just helping out and loving my brothers and sisters but in others opinions I am a hateful intolerant person that should leave other peoples religions alone. This is the dilemma I will always face trying to stand up for the fact that Jesus is God and that is the Jesus we must all believe in.

  4. pleasecheckyourfacts says:

    But see that is where you are wrong: Jesus being God is not a basic TENET of Christianity, but simply a tenet of YOUR Christian denomination, as it is of most all of the Christian denominations…You simply must believe in the works of God, and the works of Christ Jesus. Can you not agree that Jesus is the son of God? Although you literally believe that a material form of a man could be equivalent to the infinite spiritual power of God and his greatness, no human form could compare. That is why Christian Scientists see Jesus as his lesser, as Jesus himself declared that he performed GOD's works THROUGH him, not ever declaring to be God, except when speaking on God's behalf.

  5. stanley yarborough says:

    Checkyourfacts you are absolutely wrong, and are practicing a false doctrine man's doctrine, and admin, don't apologize for the truth, facts if you don't know that Jesus is God you are going to hell, plain and simple, and as true followers of Christ we are not to go along with false teachings and to point out deception where ever it is , and this scientist stuff fits that bill, For Jesus is God, He is God's word, God's word is God and Jesus, is God's word in the flesh, wake up for your path is destruction, administrator is right, and continue to stand up for God's True Whole Word, which is Christ, for there are many apostate teachings, and false doctrines, and many being deceived for they are not of God, and are not blessed with The Holy Spirit, to give them the one true meaning and interpretation of Scripture, God's interpretation, how can a man know God if He isn't blessed with The Spirit, He can't, facts ask God to come into your heart for you are on the wrong path

  6. stanley yarborough says:

    Jesus being God is a tenet of Christianity as administrator said, it is the Foundation, for Christ is God's word, that is sad, where do you see in scripture that it says Jesus is not God, no where you are being deceived,

  7. astounded says:

    In reference to my name, I am "astounded" at the ignorance of some of the previous commenters. Didn't Jesus say the MOST IMPORTANT commandment is to "love thy neighbor as thyself"?

    To Stanley, admin, and all others who are concerned:

    This is exactly what the arsonist wants, don't you understand? Pitting different Christian denominations against each other. You (admin), say that you have read some of Mary Baker Eddy's work, but in your life, I'm sure you have already developed some biased opinion about the "precise" and "proper" way to pray, worship, etc…

    However, I will agree with one thing that has been mentioned previously: Christian Science is a cult. But (to your disappointment) it is not the kind of cult that you, and probably the majority of people, are thinking of.

    If you look up the word 'cult' in most dictionaries, you will find that the first, and primary definition of the word is something along the lines of this:

    "a particular system of religious worship"

    Look for yourself if you want, but the original definition of this word did not mean what today's society thinks of when they hear mention of "a cult" in the area.

    According to this definition, I could call any Christian denomination, synagogue, or other system of worship a cult. But today's society has broken off the original, true meaning of the word and now uses it only with the limited knowledge of its negative connotation. In other words, I agree that the CS church is a cult, but I refute that EVERY church that was burned is a cult. (I hope you read this MB)

    And as for the rest of this nonsense about practising a false doctrine for not believing that Jesus is God, is incorrect. It is true that a majority of the Christian denominations including those from Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant denominations, believe that Jesus is both God and man, but that does not include every Christian faith. If you believe that Christian Science is not a Christian denomination, then you are sadly misinformed, or rather uninformed- unintelligent concerning the subject of common Christian beliefs.

    and MB, I have no doubt that you most likely believe that Christian Science has some connection to "Scientology." Again, I am ASTOUNDED with the your ignorance. Shouldn't we all be on the same page? Regardless of the beliefs of the targeted churches, the arsonist MUST be stopped!

    In the wise words of a previous commenter: CHECK YOUR FACTS!

  8. admin says:


    A lot of people would agree with what your saying. As far as getting into the historical definition of the word "cult" that is a little too nerdy for me. I do see your point. As a fundamentalist Christian I am a bit intolerant of unorthodox teachings claiming to be Christian as I believe there are serious eternal consequences to believing them which is why people like me seem like haters. But think about, if you know that the difference between heaven and hell for someone is a belief in the right Jesus it would be more loving to explain this rather than keeping it to yourself.

  9. astounded says:

    So are you saying that Christians who don't believe exactly like you are condemning themselves to Hell? I trust you know there are many different ways to interpret the Bible; but does the Lord really want us judging one another, regardless of our different beliefs? I think not.

    • admin says:

      To be a Christian you have to go along with the belief in hell and judgment day as it's all throughout the Bible. Jesus' purpose in dieing for our sins is based on the assumption that we are sinners and need a savior. Jesus would have to be God to have been able to die for our sins and save us from eternal damnation. This intolerant belief system that many do not agree with is the core of Christianity. Why did Jesus who is God humble himself to come here to earth and die on a cross then to be resurrected on the 3rd day if we are not supposed to believe in his saving grace to be saved?

      1 John 5:13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.

      It's ok to disagree with Christianity and have a problem with Christian teachings and how judgmental Christians are if you do not believe in what the Bible says. The idea that Jesus is not God that comes from Christian Science beliefs is not in the realm of Christian orthodoxy which is why I say this denomination is not Christian. It is similar to a traditional Muslim distancing themselves from Farrakhan's Nation of Islam who believes that black people originally inhabited the moon.

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