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McDonalds in the Wal-Mart Supercenter on HWY 64


3820 Hwy 64 West
Tyler, TX 75704

McDonald’s is able to maintain a standard nationwide. In fact, I know that McDonald’s in Chiang Mai, Thailand is almost exactly like McDonald’s here in the United States. So, if you’ve been to one McDonald’s restaurant, then you pretty much know what they are like everywhere.

This restaurant branch is a little different only because of its location. The busiest fast food restaurant is located in the busiest retail super store. So there are a few things to know about this location before you decide to take your girlfriend out on a date to it. The high business traffic leads to a couple of issues. The first is that the seating area tends to be messy beyond all reason. I basically don’t want to touch any of the surfaces near the soda machines and ketchup station, due to the straw wrappers, ketchup smears and high volumes of salt poured everywhere.

This mess continues on to the tables which happen to be very comfortable booths with ergonomically designed back supports. The same stuff makes the tables a little unappealing. There will often be leftover napkins, ketchup smears and salt hiding all over the table waiting to stick to your arm when you finally relax and get ready to eat. This all may because of the weird hours in which my life and schedule find me eating. Nevertheless, it does not make me want to sit and relax over a wonderful fast food meal.

Another lame thing about this McDonald’s is that there are always so many people standing around the register. I’m not claustrophobic, but I always feel crowded and awkward waiting in line. One problem that adds to this is the high number of Wal-Mart employees who are trying to squeeze in a whole meal during their short break from their shift. I had one very awkward time about a year ago, when a cashier waiting in line behind me was in a hurry and letting me know with huffs, forced laughs and comments about how far back I was standing from the register. This extreme only happened once, though.

The restaurant is located right after the busiest entrance of this Wal-Mart Super Center near the deli and produce section. This leads to another awkward experience. It feels like the whole world sees what you are ordering and that you are doing a poor job juggling the groceries you just bought from Wal-Mart.

As for the good things about this store: it is a full fledged McDonald’s. That should be enough said. There is a reason McDonald’s has stood the test of time and maintained their status as the most popular fast food chain. The food is so good and almost addictive. The thing that makes this McDonald’s have some negatives is also a positive. It is in Wal-Mart. When I am in a hurry running errands, I couldn’t ask for a more convenient location for a quick and very affordable meal. The employees are all nice enough and very efficient and timely. It is a well-oiled machine.

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One Response to “McDonalds in the Wal-Mart Supercenter on HWY 64”

  1. John says:

    I don't know if the the yahoo that posted the first review works at a McDonalds, is part of the corporate McDonalds, or is just certifiably insane, but this McDonalds is truly one of the filthiest, nasty restaurants I have ever seen (and that's saying a lot!). The employees are all very stupid (even comparing with the average dolts that work at McDonalds), and not nice at all. This Wal-Mart is called the "Ghetto Wal-Mart" here, and the McDonalds in it, lives up to that. If you know all this, and don't mind it, well, then it is a great McDonalds, otherwise, STEER CLEAR!!!!

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