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Update on the Double D in Tyler TX

Double D's in Tyler TX

Double D Ranch in Tyler Texas

Ok, not to kick a dead horse here, but it seems there is yet more news on the on- going fight over the new Double D Ranch trying to open here in Tyler. Judge Christi Kennedy’s of the 114th District Court, has granted a restraining order requested by Toys R Us which bars the establishment from advertising (in the form of signs and banners), or hiring a “Scantily Clad,” wait staff. Does Scantily Clad have a legal definition? How Scanty is too scanty? The ruling said that the location of the new restaurant would do irreparable harm to the toy store.

Look I’m not comfortable being on this side of the argument but I just don’t believe it. Is the D.D. tacky? Yes. It is. Would I go there? No I wouldn’t. Is it legal? Yep, afraid so folks. Bad taste is not against the law. At the end of the day, I don’t know whether or not the Ranch will open for business here in Tyler, and honestly I don’t much care. I think the whole case is much ado about nothing. It’s not a hill I want to die on. I just hate to see citizens fighting these sorts of battles in the courts. To see my original article on the story, click on the following link: http://www.tylertxdirectory.com/9180/tylerites-concerned-about-the-double-d/

Double D's

Double D Ranch and Toy's R Us

Double D Ranch in Tyler TX

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7 Responses to “Update on the Double D in Tyler TX”

  1. Joseph says:

    I swear you people are completely incompetent and argue for the sake of arguing. Only in Tyler East Texas will you find a bunch of hypocritical morons who scream and yell with no valid point. If you’re really going to play devil’s advocate and be against DD's then please come up with something other rather than things like, Toys R Us, A girls dance studio or the worst of all the local high school is nearby. Sorry for my ill choice of words but the fact that you shortsighted people are fighting this is complete nonsense! This restaurant opening will play no part in the psychological development of our already culturally endangered children/ high school kids. Why? Because you’re a parent and if you don't want your kids in the facility them simply don't take them. “But what if my 6-year-old asks questions?” if your child is asking questions it's probably because the "Parents" are discussing and debating things in front of their children carelessly and they of course carry melodrama from home out into the wonderful world of hearsay. Again I think it is utter stupidity that you people need to have someone explain this to you. If you’re so self righteous that you have to find petty issues such as this to bicker and complain then you seriously need to reevaluate your parenting. There is so many other issues relevant to our society that you should be concerned with other than this nonsense. Things like keeping Tyler dry and banning restaurants that aren't your particular brand of vodka are at the end of the chopping block since how our education programs have fallen into complete turmoil. How can you set there and rant and rave about a restaurant that shows a little cleavage when you can go to the mall, or any other public place and find just as bad , or in most cases worse. Teachers are losing their jobs because America has put education on the back burner. "What do you mean?" I mean that anyone who argues this is a damn fool. With our current education status in utter shambles how in God’s name could anyone be worried about what's going on a block away. Suggestion how about put your time and energy within the facility and focus on the people who run it. You want facts? Facts are simple. It is a fact that a Tyler school is in danger of losing a majority of its employees because it failed to meet state regulations academically as well as professionally. (B.) Your children mimic you and evolve mentally and intellectually according to their parents. If you want to guard them simply don't talk about it or be involved in the dramatic propaganda that has grasped a miniscule part of Tyler.

  2. TRH says:

    Wow! try breaking the pills in half next time Joe. I'm really not sure to whom your "comment" is addressed.

  3. wendy says:

    I agree with Joe. The cartoons that our children watch have more cleavage than the hooter's girls and they are still on TV. No one censors that. So why would you stop a new business from coming in to this ever declining economy because you are worried about your children's fragile psyche. HELLO!!! More middle school children are doing drugs, smoking, and having sex than ever before. Get a grip people. Stop being so prude and focus about getting your husbands out of the bar on saturday nights before you start halting business growth. That's the real issue here. It's not the children, it's the men. Kids already think it's gross…….

  4. Kevin says:

    This article and comments are mistaken. This is not a zoning argument, it's a lease argument. Toys R Us owns the land that this restaurant sits on and leased it under the agreement that "Semi-nude" themed restaurants were not permitted. That is all. Personally, I could care less what they do, but lets not argue this from a capitalism point of view because it's not the government trying to block it, it's the owner of the land.

    • admin says:

      As of today I found out the judge has ruled in favor of Toys R Us. Looks like no Double D's over here after all.

  5. TRH says:

    Interesting response Kevin. That would certainly Change the discussion. However that's not how the story was originally reported. My question would be why was it leased to D.D. in the first place, and why allow them the renovate before calling foul? I don't know the answer, just seems relevant to me.

  6. M. Rogers says:

    Amen Joseph! Well said!!!!

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