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Tyler Ellis Mercantile

January 8th, 2010

Tyler Ellis Merchandise is located off Rt 31 going towards Chandler and it is on your left side. It is a used clothing store where you can go and find pretty nice clothes for very reasonable prices.

Of course, not everything they have there will you like. Think of it more like a treasure hunt. I usually have to go there over and over several times. And sometimes I find something and at other times I don’t. But for the most part I enjoy going and looking anyways.

Just a couple of months ago I found a very nice wool jacket for $7 dollar or so. I love it and its very cozy. They have movies there for very cheap and Cd’s. They range from $3 to $5 dollars a piece. They have different ranges of other stuff, like couches, shoes, kitchen supplies, jewelry. The other stuff isn’t that great for the price but if you want some good clothes and jeans this place can be a money saver.

Baby clothes for teens and adults of all shapes and sizes are also available here. The people are very friendly and are always ready to help you find the things that you are looking for. Men if you are working in construction or anywhere outside and, you are looking for carpenter pants or overalls…this is the place where you will find some.

For Christmas I went there to find my husband some pants and they had plenty of them. So if you don’t mind taking the time to go out there and look through all their stuff then I would suggest you go and check it out. You never know exactly what you might find there.

To me its like a thrift place. The clothes seem to be in very good condition. Also, if you are looking for baby stuff like high chairs, a crib, or a car seat they will usually have these things. Hey sometimes they have these baby items and much more.

Everybody knows that money is hard to come by and every dime you save counts for something. I appreciate being able to go to stores like this, because it suits my budget and my style. Not to lead you astray I don’t always find something I like.

Sometimes I go home empty handed but for me it was still worth it because I got to leave the house and get a break from life and shop at the same time. You can’t beat that. We all know that with the way our economy is going we need all the help we can get on saving money.

So if wearing second hand clothes does not bother you. I would go and try it out and see if you can find something to your liking. The worst thing that could happen is that you go home empty handed.

Jalpita Mexican Restaurant

December 21st, 2009
Jalpita Mexican Restaurant

Jalpita Mexican Restaurant

Jalpita Mexican Restaurant and Taqueria

813 Lindsey Lane,
Tyler Texas

(903) 526-7707

When we pulled into the parking lot of Jalpita Mexican restaurant I thought to myself, “No way.” My dad had suggested eating at Jalpita, but this was not what I had in mind. The building was rather rundown and it was not located in the best part of town. I was reluctant to venture in, but dad assured me that he had eaten there several times, and the food was great. So reluctantly I put my trust in him and went inside. At the counter I noticed that the food on the menu was very inexpensive; everything was around three dollars. This turned me off even more with the saying in mind, “You will get what you pay for.” At my father’s suggestion, I ordered a “Super Quesadilla.” From the first bite, I was very surprised and pleased; the food was delicious! Here was some of the best Mexican food I had ever eaten and there was a lot of it for only $3.50.

I eat at Jalpita often now, and I am always surprised at the variety of people who patronize the restaurant. In the parking lot one can see anything from a beat up pickup truck, to a shiny new BMW. Jalpita is located on Lindsey Lane, which is off of Vine Avenue, and there is now a branch on the N, NE Loop 323. Despite its looks, Jalpita offers great food for low prices. It is now my number one choice for Tyler TX Mexican food.