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Heating and Air Conditioning Repairs, Read This For a Start

February 24th, 2012

Based on your ability to bring up this page on a website and that your looking at it now you probably know how to read and aren’t just staring at the pretty pictures. Truth be told, I think reading needs to be a prerequisite for any job that requires technical know how. Without the ability to read you would not know to, “Unplug power cord from socket before licking copper cable.”

For some really helpful advice from an unbiased HVAC tech visit this link…pretty awesome real advice

Many of us routinely throw instructions immediately into the trash once we open up a new item but as a professional sometimes it is important to read some of this stuff before installing something new in a customers home. I watched a heating and air conditioning tech just yesterday read some instructions, it said, “place tobacco in middle of rolling paper, roll, then wet ends to stick”.

All this being said I believe YOU and most heating and AC technicians do in fact know how to read. If techs know how to read why is it so difficult for them to make the smart choice and actually pick up and feel the directions, even if they don’t even read them?

I believe this whole thing about not reading directions is a macho man thing. I don’t like wearing pastel colors but for my wife I will sometimes wear these colors for Easter for a nice family picture.

It might just be that direction pages seem somewhat intimidating because the booklet can be 50 pages long or more. In reality when you actually get past all the safety pages, warnings, and multiple language translations you may only have a couple paragraphs to read.

I have had a heater installed in my house that was a new type of device the heating technician had never installed before. He got it installed in record time but a funny thing happened. The flex ducts connected to it were all bent at a 90 degree angle cutting off any ability to actually circulate air. There was also a weird smell in the air like what you smell when their is a natural gas leak.

Funny thing, there was a natural gas leak coming from the newly installed heating system, a trickle of air heating my room, directions in the trash and no heating tech in site.

When it comes to picking a professional heating and air conditioning company to install or repair your HVAC system make sure that if they start scratching their head about something they eventually pick up an instruction manual.

Why wait for their supervisor to come out and tell them to read the instructions if you might be able to encourage them to do that yourself.

You could also hire a professional quality HVAC company in Tyler Texas that has competent staff available that know to stay updated on new technology and read instructions as necessary.

We recommend calling:

Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning of Tyler Texas

2221 W Southwest Loop 323 # 10
(903) 592-7773

Fidgeting at the Office Can Be a Form of Exercise

October 7th, 2011

Are you a fidgety person? The funny thing is that by fidgeting you can actually burn a significant amount of calories each day. What I am talking about here are things like crossing and uncrossing your legs, making up and down movements in your chair, spinning from side to side in a chair, stretching and standing often, and just being an overall restless individual. This fidgety person being described pretty much fits me to a T. I get my work done but I like to fidget, it just comes natural and thankfully it burns a significant amount of calories daily.

The study done that measured calorie loss through fidgeting involved feeding the subjects in the study 1,000 extra calories every day for 8 weeks. Once these people started eating the snacks some of them immediately began fidgeting to burn the extra calories without even realizing it. Almost 33 percent of the thousand calories that were eaten were burned off from fidgeting and restless behavior. The remaining calories left were deposited as fat.

The people in this 8 week study gained anywhere from 2 pounds to 16 pounds but those people that were fidgety at their office desk gained the least amount of fat. There is definitely something positive to be said for the fidgety person you sit next to at your office. Maybe it is you or maybe not but consider that standing up at your desk and stretching every once in awhile can be a really good thing especially if you are a snacker.

In summary you can expect to burn about 330 calories a day from fidgeting at your office desk if you are anything like me. Unfortunately if you eat a snickers bar and drink a coke everyday you aren’t really making any headway. If you fidget your body is simply trying to tell you that you are an active person and you need to get out an do something to shed off some of that activity. What I will do is take a 45 minute break during my lunch hour and go over to XTC Fitness in Tyler and do their noon kickboxing group class. I probably burn 1,000 calories or so in the group class each day and it further assists in burning calories as well as building a little muscle. Consider that for every pound of muscle you put on to your body that muscle will automatically burn an additional 35 – 50 calories a day even if you sat and didn’t fidget at all. So whether you fidget or don’t fidget you can always stay active and the XTC gym is my preferred choice to do that.

Daniel Boone finally comes to Texas

October 29th, 2009

Ok I realize it’s nerdy but one of my first thoughts upon hearing about Daniel Boone’s “Texas Tavern” was, why name a “Texas Tavern” after a man who never set foot in Texas. I can see how in many ways, the man embodies the values which appeal most to Texans, but why not call it “David Crockett’s Texas Tavern?” Well I’ve since discovered that Dan Boone is the owner and operator of the not- so- misnamed establishment.

I recently had a pleasant visit to D.B’s. The burger was good, the beans tasty, and plentiful, and the Blue Bell ice cream refreshing. They also have a pretty nice bar, although it’s a little cramped back there and the service was good, considering I was part of a huge crowd.

The funny thing about Boone’s is, first off there doesn’t seem to be any middle ground when it comes to people’s opinions. Some swear by it as the absolute best eatery in Tyler, a claim I find a bit unrealistic. Others say the food and service were terrible and vow never to eat there again. This is also an extreme reaction I think. Personally I find myself undecided about the restaurant. This is a rare occasion for me, but I simply can’t make up my mind. The rustic decor is similar to that of the Texas Road House, but it’s not really a steak house. It clearly bills itself as serving Texas style dishes, but they don’t serve barbeque. So what kind of restaurant is Daniel Boone’s?

In terms of the casual atmosphere I’d probably compare the place to Chilies or Applebee’s without the institutional trendiness. The menu is simpler, but the burgers and portions are similar. I can already hear the Boone’s apologists ramping up, so let me say the food is better in my opinion, but the prices are compatible. The thing I do really like about D.B’s. is the hometown, locally owned pride of the place. I typically do everything in my power to avoid the monster Tyler Texas restaurant chains. If I want microwavable food, I’ll go to Sam’s Club. But Boone’s is definitely not one of those. While I remain undecided on how to classify it, the Texas Tavern is definitely a better choice than another faceless franchise.

On a scale of one to five, I personally would give Daniel Boone’s a three and a half, out of five stars. Ultimately, since no seems to agree, the reader will have to pay a visit and decide for his or herself. Boone’s is located on the loop, next to Albertson’s and across from Hobby Lobby.