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Tyler Ellis Mercantile

January 8th, 2010

Tyler Ellis Merchandise is located off Rt 31 going towards Chandler and it is on your left side. It is a used clothing store where you can go and find pretty nice clothes for very reasonable prices.

Of course, not everything they have there will you like. Think of it more like a treasure hunt. I usually have to go there over and over several times. And sometimes I find something and at other times I don’t. But for the most part I enjoy going and looking anyways.

Just a couple of months ago I found a very nice wool jacket for $7 dollar or so. I love it and its very cozy. They have movies there for very cheap and Cd’s. They range from $3 to $5 dollars a piece. They have different ranges of other stuff, like couches, shoes, kitchen supplies, jewelry. The other stuff isn’t that great for the price but if you want some good clothes and jeans this place can be a money saver.

Baby clothes for teens and adults of all shapes and sizes are also available here. The people are very friendly and are always ready to help you find the things that you are looking for. Men if you are working in construction or anywhere outside and, you are looking for carpenter pants or overalls…this is the place where you will find some.

For Christmas I went there to find my husband some pants and they had plenty of them. So if you don’t mind taking the time to go out there and look through all their stuff then I would suggest you go and check it out. You never know exactly what you might find there.

To me its like a thrift place. The clothes seem to be in very good condition. Also, if you are looking for baby stuff like high chairs, a crib, or a car seat they will usually have these things. Hey sometimes they have these baby items and much more.

Everybody knows that money is hard to come by and every dime you save counts for something. I appreciate being able to go to stores like this, because it suits my budget and my style. Not to lead you astray I don’t always find something I like.

Sometimes I go home empty handed but for me it was still worth it because I got to leave the house and get a break from life and shop at the same time. You can’t beat that. We all know that with the way our economy is going we need all the help we can get on saving money.

So if wearing second hand clothes does not bother you. I would go and try it out and see if you can find something to your liking. The worst thing that could happen is that you go home empty handed.

Best Known Local Lindale Coffee House

January 4th, 2010

Rockwell’s Coffee Brewery

Lindale’s coffee shop, Rockwells, may not live up to the taste of Starbucks but it is the most popular coffee shop in the Lindale area. It is a great place to hang out with your friends. Nearby in Mount Sylvan is an even more interesting Coffee Shop known as Mount Sylvan Coffee and Mercantile that is also worth checking out.

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, or one of the “classics” such as a latte, cappuccino or espresso. The drink menu may not be as long as Starbucks’ but you will be able to find something that you want. For the non coffee drinkers Rockwells offers different teas and Fruit drinks. Also if you are hungry they serve snacks, desserts, and even meals. Come enjoy a sandwich or salad in a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
The artsy atmosphere makes it comfortable to hang out. Couches and comfortable chairs helps when you are trying to get that midterm paper done, or to play games with your family or friends. Friday and Saturdays there is live music. Games are available there to make your visit more enjoyable.

Tyler TX Furniture Stores

December 18th, 2009

When shopping for furniture in Tyler one of the biggest pet peeves me and my brother agree on is how annoying it is when the furniture sales person hovers over your shoulder while touring the store. It is that furniture establishments store and so they can have their sales people do whatever they want but it is a sales philosophy I really cannot stand. I won’t go into great detail which store I absolutely hate the most that does this but if you are reading this and would like to make a comment I would be glad to accept local Tyler peoples criticism.


I visited almost every furniture store in Tyler trying to find a good office desk. The best desks I found were at Swann’s but the desks were also astronomically priced. I could not justify spending $4,000 – $5,000 on an office desk when that would cover almost a year of mortgage payments. Who in their right mind would pay that much for an office desk? Why do I ask this question when there seem to be a million homes in Tyler worth over $300,000. Obviously there are plenty of doctors and lawyers in Tyler that can afford desks like this but I am not one of them.

Furniture Row

My next stop was Furniture Row. This furniture store had some good selections on couches and accessory tables and furniture at good prices but not a good selection of office desks that appealed to me. The office desks were okay and priced decent but nothing that I wanted to take home. Overall my impression with Furniture Row is that they are not overly aggressive in hovering over you while you look at furniture. I was not becoming increasingly stressed the longer I was in the store as I felt at a more higher priced establishment.

Lazy Boy

I went into Lazy Boy Furniture Studio and did not see a wide selection of office desks but they did have some well built recliner chairs and some nice looking couches. Lazy Boy has some good prices and some prices on certain things that are a bit out of my budget. I did pick up a nice trendy looking leather recliner chair while at Lazy Boy that I still enjoy to this day. Lazy Boy was not a great help for finding an office desk but their sales staff was not pushy and I got a great leather recliner.

Ivan Smith Furniture

Ivan Smith furniture has your typical selection of couches and recliners I saw at several other stores like when shopping at Lacks. Ivan Smith downtown had too many darker colored chairs and too many leather selections for my taste. When visiting Ivan Smith in South West Tyler I found a better selection of lighter colored furniture and a bigger overall selection of pretty much every type of furniture you might need for a house. I ended up buying a TV stand that was discounted by 75% which was an amazing deal. Ivan’s prices were good but I could not find a couch or chair that interested me there. I was impressed with the sales staff as I did not fill overly pressured when talking to the sales lady. Ivan’s selections are good I am just picky and they didn’t have exactly what I wanted.

Lacks Furniture

Lacks furniture had some very good recliner chairs over by their TV’s and some unique longer cloth fabric couches I had not seen at other furniture stores in Tyler TX. I decided to buy a light green couch from Lack’s and have been very pleased with it. The sales lady at Lack’s was very friendly and easy to work with. I did not feel pressured by her although we were followed around it was not overbearing. When we needed time to ourselves the Lack’s sales professional keyed in on this and backed away to give us time to look around and decide what we wanted to do. My overall experience at Lack’s was a good one and I appreciated the help from the sales lady. The prices at Lack’s are very good on some items although some of their nicer stuff could be out of some peoples price range.

Cheapest Furniture Store in Tyler

After comparing some of these popular furniture stores in Tyler it seemed to me that Furniture Row had some of the cheapest furniture prices. Every furniture store had good prices on certain items and I would encourage everyone to price shop and ask for cheaper prices than what you see on the sticker. If you have to I would leave the store and come back on a sales day if the sales person will not budge on the price.

Feel free to leave a customer review about furniture stores in Tyler that you like or don’t like to help shoppers find the best place to buy their furniture.

David’s Bridal Wedding Dresses in Tyler Texas

September 28th, 2009

David’s Bridal is the most popular store for your special day. As I walked into Tyler’s popular wedding dress center, overwhelmed with white dresses and thousand dollar price tags, I take my first step to prepare for the most important day of a young girl’s life. The purchase of a wedding dress, is not like any other purchase. The wedding day is the time a woman is truly pampered. The girdle, the slip, the shoes, the veil, the layers and layers of lacy material, brings out the inner princess in us all. Woman gather around you parading choices to make your day just as you have always dreamed.

Walking down the crowded aisles displaying wedding dress after wedding dress, dresses grab at your ankles. The loud chatter of over enthusiastic brides-to-be fills the air. Bridesmaids’ griping about their disdain of their dresses rings in your ears. Its everything you dreamed, people waiting on you, friends awing, until you see the five guys sitting on the couches watching you and the other brides changing. Why are they there? Women are running around in their underwear and slips. There should be a rule against this kind of weird perversion. Do these guys even really want to be there, or were they dragged by their super controlling girlfriends that need their opinion for the new prom dress?

For the most part I love David’s Bridal in Tyler Texas. I love the butterflies that you get in your stomach when you find that perfect dress. I love the little sticker that makes your feet dance that reads “50 percent off”. I love standing on that pedestal dressed in the most memorable thing a girl can put on her body. I love the online access that makes it easy for your fiancé’s sister that lives in Alaska to get the same dress as your other bridesmaids in her size.

So after you get asked the question you waited so long for, make David’s Bridal your next step. But girls leave your men at home, they don’t want to be there anyway!