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Great Idea to Market Your Local Tyler Business

September 26th, 2011

If you have a local business in Tyler you have likely tried telling people about it on places like Facebook. You may have even created a Facebook page and possibly a Google AdWords campaign and linked them back to your website.

Many local businesses don’t even have a website but they have still managed to set up a Facebook page because it is really easy to do.

For those of you who have managed to do some of these above basic online marketing tasks I have a great idea to improve upon what you are already doing. Try adding an SMS marketing campaign to this.

What you do is keep on doing what you’re doing but setup a text message campaign with an SMS provider and then promote this in the same places you are now and beyond.

An SMS campaign is simply a way for your customers to sign up to receive text messages to their cell phone from your business.

You can than text your customers 4 – 5 times a month to come in to receive a special deal or value without necessarily offering huge profit squeezing discounts.

Think about it, these people have opted-in to your cell phone messaging list because they love what you sell. Simply text them about what they love and attach some extra value to it.

What has been shown statistically is that 20% of the people you text will respond to your offer which ends up giving you the biggest ROI than any other form of advertising.

Once you have your campaign setup here are some of the top places to promote your SMS campaign locally:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • TV screens
  • Buttons
  • Radio advertisements
  • Craigslist
  • Website
  • T-Shirts
  • Billboard
  • Print advertisements
  • Business cards
  • TV advertisements
  • Receipts
  • Myspace
  • Blog
  • Brochures
  • Car/Bus
  • Stickers
  • Billboards
  • Email signature
  • The radio
  • Flyers
  • Picket signs
  • Email campaigns
  • Promotion products
  • Restaurant menus

Think of the response rate? Think of the ROI, think of the direct access you will have to local Tyler TX shoppers and your own customers eagerly waiting to come back in your doors to buy more of your product more frequently?

You can learn more about SMS marketing and SMS provider services by visiting this website: SMS Text Company

Google + Project the new Facebook perhaps? Invite

June 28th, 2011

Google + Project, ya know Google's version of Facebook

Google + Project demo

Google + project is Google’s version of Facebook.

I am asking for Google + invites so if you want an invite from me just let me know.

Now of course in large part this will be a personal social network but there will also be a version for local businesses.

That means that beyond your business Twitter, Facebook, and Yellowpage accounts you will likely need a Google Plus account as well for your local Tyler business.

We will see if this Google Plus project takes flight over the next month.

You can drag and drop friends into little circles. These are your circle of friends.

So Paul Slachter goes in the “Mad Friends” circle making it go to +11 after you drop him in.

You could also have a circle for just those friends who wear liberal librarian looking glasses.

The thing I take away from this is that +1 makes it much more visually intuitive to add friends. You also can look at a feed of just your close buds and not be so distracted by your 1,000 friends from your entire graduating class. I like seeing what random people are doing sometimes but I see the value in just looking at a feed containing your inner 50 circle.

Google’s slogan is something like “don’t be evil” and Facebook is starting to be seen as the evil one.

This could be a pretty good timing move by Google but even so people realize Google is not so much the underdog.

East Texas Gives Large Compensation to Patent Holders

January 27th, 2011

East Texas CourtsDoesn’t it seem like every time a commercial comes on advertising some new technology or service, you have to do a Google search just to understand what their talking about?

Droid phones, 3G, 4G, IPads, Blackberry, and the list goes on and on. We are facing a modern age in which the inventing and producing of new technology is moving at lightning speed and whoever is at the front will make the most money.

Unfortunately, other aspects of the technology business are not keeping up. This is especially true when it comes to patents and what constitutes patent infringement.

Now, we are not just talking about keeping up with the incredible growth of wireless media that has taken place this last decade, we are talking 50 years since they set the standard that is currently being used to assign and distinguish patents.

And what that means is that the standard in which the courts of East Texas use to hand out high money compensation for patent infringement is outdated.

It is this exact standard in question that the citizens and judges of the courts in Marshall, Texarkana, and Tyler have used to award hundreds of millions of dollars for patent infringement.

The two major factors in question in the current standard is to what extent a patent reaches in certain technology and how much financial damage is really taking place with infringements.

Both factors, if changed, would lower the amount of compensation dramatically. Considering that the majority of new technology deals with multiple patents, the potential of monster lawsuits bringing some companies to their knees is in the future if the current standard is not updated.

Kids Disney Coloring Pages

January 22nd, 2011

Do you ever get online to print off a coloring page for your child? We do it all the time.

I will usually go to Google images and type something like Disney or Mickey Mouse coloring pages and look for something.

I will then click on the image and print it out. Sometimes I have to enlarge the image or something so that it prints out right.

Well now there is a cool widget that helps you find a coloring page to print out and there is no need to fiddle with size and dimensions.

This widget will not only find a good kids coloring page to use but will print it out so it fills the entire canvas of the page.

“Best ribs in town”

January 7th, 2011

bourbon west bar and grill tyler texasI was invited to a restaurant recently that claims to have the best ribs in town, I couldn’t find a website for them only a bunch of restaurant reviews.

After reading several positive reviews on St. Louis rib factory I was getting in the barbecue mood so I printed out a Google map and headed out for lunch, located next to the Brookshires dairy downtown made it easy enough to find, although I had found out that they had recently changed their name to Bourbon West Bar and Grill.

I could smell the barbecue seeping from the kitchen so whether or not it would live up to the name of best barbecue in town was irrelevant for the moment.

The parking lot was empty so I made sure to check the sign before going in to make sure they were open. I was well within the allotted time so I entered. On first look it’s a very decent looking restaurant, I would go as far to say that its a little too up scale for a rib joint.

I saw roughly thirty tables all of which were empty, undeterred by the empty appearance and egged on by the delicious smells emitting from the kitchen it took a little over two minutes of not seeing anyone before I started looking around.

They have a decent enough bar and a large private area to host your own parties, if of course you don’t want to be bothered by the crowds of people I was witness to.

Still smelling what must be the best ribs in town I proceeded into the kitchen, just a peek, not enough to be disobeying the employees only sign posted on the door.

The kitchen was alot bigger than was needed to feed the multitudes previously described but once again I failed to locate anyone, one last pass around by the bar to find a man possibly a manager and a waitress/ hostess.

I asked if they were open and the reply was yes, so I seated down by the door and prepared myself to indulge in these best ribs in town.

The menu was plain enough without alot, and prices were decent enough, all be it a little high for lunch, but my hunger knew no price tag at the moment and as quick as I could, I placed an order for an iced tea and some ribs.

At long last the wait was over and I could indulge myself, but wait the waitress returns with a sweet tea and no ribs.

“Sorry but the ribs won’t be ready until 1:30, would you like to order something else or wait?” It was 12:00 at that time so there was no way I was going to wait, so I grabbed my coat rolled down my sleeves and left in search for something to fill the void that Bourbon West Bar and Grill couldn’t fill.

Tyler Texas BarbequeTo learn of how that hunger was satisfied you will have to read the post entitled Rick’s on the Square.

I understand that its more of a dinner restaurant but if its going to be open at lunch it needs to be ready for customers, and if you have the “best ribs in town” you better be ready to prove it to critics.

The facility is nice, the customer service was late, overall it is fairly clean and the food is something that may forever be a mystery to me.