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Celtrixa for removing stretch marks

November 12th, 2010

Has anyone in Tyler used Celtrixa? It is that stretch mark cream that is on TV commercials right now in Tyler.

Some stretch mark and scar remover cream bleaches your skin. Does anyone know if this cream has ever bleached the users skin?

Sounds like a good way to remove stretch marks if it won’t bleach your skin in the process.

Sono-Care in Tyler Texas a 2D 3D and 4D Affordable Sonogram Center

November 12th, 2010

Sonocare in Tyler TX

Sono Care of East Texas

1815 S Broadway Ave Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 520-3232

We went to Sono-Care today because we needed to make sure there were no medical issues at 14 1/2 weeks with our baby.

We discovered from a previous sonogram at 12 weeks that we probably had a baby boy. This 2nd sonogram made that finding even more official.

Sono-Care is a great facility as they are extremely pro-life there. I would hate to go get a sonogram at a place where the nurses and doctors had a weird belief that we were only looking at blob of cells.

Any normal human when seeing a sonogram will easily see that the liberal lies about fetuses not even being real human beings is so full of crap.

We saw our baby suck his fingers, smile, throw his hands up in the air and swim around. He had facial expressions and could obviously feel pain or discomfort.

Tyler Texas Sonograms

Sono-Care Tyler Texas

He was a miniature person in the womb and many atheists, liberals, and conservatives can all agree on this but there is still propaganda out there that has even the most devote church goers believing that abortions are no big deal as the baby is just a bunch of tissue and cells at this point and cannot feel anything.

At Sono-Care you will be treated with love and care and the people who work there have passion and extreme pleasure in their profession. walking into this place is not like walking into a cold unwelcoming hospital room where the sonographer basically treats you as a number.

We will be going back to Sono-Care in Tyler Texas for another sonogram check up but everything has checked out ok this time around and we are expecting a healthy baby boy.

Dr. Morgan

October 14th, 2010
jacksonville family chiropractor roy morgan

Jacksonville Family Chiropractor

Dr. Morgan is a chiropractor and nutritionist in Jacksonville, Texas. I have always heard about the way that he diagnoses people and how questionable his strange ways are. Dr. Morgan does some strange things, like pull on pressure point on you body and watch your reactions just to see what vitamins you are missing, he also will ask you to hold small glass bottles with clear liquid and push on your other hand to check your strength. By doing this he sees what foods your body is rejecting. Even though the way he diagnoses his patients are questionable and to be honest, a little hokey, the results are undeniable.

He helps people of all ages and people with all different problems. My daughter has been doing the oddest thing for the past few months, which was eating strange things like chalk, dirt, paper, and even dry wall. It was really strange for her to act that way. I started to worry because she started to hardly eat food, even if it was her favorite foods. I began to get really worried and quickly called her doctor. He told me to just give her iron vitamins. I tried that and nothing improved. So I decided to investigate, I quickly discovered that there is a eating disorder called PICA that three year olds can get. Basically small children eat dirt instead of food to get that full feeling. I got really worried so I took her to Dr. Morgan. He did a strange method to find what her body was missing and what her body is rejecting. The doctor gave her chewable supplements to take a couple times a day, and told me to keep her off of MSG. Once I began to do what the doctor said within a couple days I saw such a huge difference. Not only did she start to eat her food and stopped crazy dirt, she was able to communicate better, and listen to direction much easier. I was impressed with her attitude and obedience. It was like she could finally think clearly.

My daughter is one of many people that has changed their health and lives because of Dr. Morgan. I still am not a complete believer in his ways. I don’t understand how he can see that you have gallbladder problems by pushing on your hand, but the results are clear. He provides his patients with a natural way to live a healthy and happy life.

Midwifery in Tyler Texas

September 16th, 2010

Baby Noah at Childbirth Services

Childbirth Services, midwifery in Tyler TX
My wife and I decided on midwifery this go around although our first baby was hospital born.

Neither me nor my wife are anti hospital but at the same time we did notice how pushy the hospital was to get my wife on inducing drugs and even the epidural.

My wife didn’t want any of these things going into the pregnancy but while in pain those things seem much more tempting.

The doctors and nurses try very hard to get you to say yes to these inducing procedures but we were able to fend off everything but one drug.

We still came away with a pleasant hospital experience but my wife was now decided that our next baby would be born using a midwife.

We visited with a midwife company in Tyler Texas and spoke with Thalia at Child Birth Services.

Thalia was extremely knowledgeable, kind, and confident. We are happy we found Thalia and have several friends and family that have used her. The midwifery business is booming in Tyler and Thalia only takes on so many clients at a time so we were happy she could fit us in.

Surprisingly the conventional hospital systems attitudes towards midwifes in Tyler is considered hostile. Even though all developed countries in Europe primarily use midwifes it is considered by many in the US to be unsafe and risky to mother and baby.

The facts are much different in that babies actually have a much higher survival rate through midwifery than through the US hospital system. This claim is backed up by the World Health Organization.

You can learn even more about this often debated medical and birthing topic by watching the documentary available on Netflix entitled: “The business of giving birth”

Here is another really good story from someone who has used Childbirth Services

Tyler, Texas Lap Band Surgery for Weight Loss

July 22nd, 2010

Tyler Texas Lap Band SurgeryThe Lap-Band surgical procedure for weight loss is a surprisingly simple yet revolutionary form of bariatric surgery designed for people who are at least 100 pounds overweight.  Rather than removing all except a small portion of the stomach or stapling like traditional bariatric surgery, the Lap-Band system works by placing a band around the stomach to control how much a patient is able to eat at one time, as well as helping the patient to stay fuller longer.  Furthermore, the Lap-Band is available in 2 sizes with a wide range of adjustable settings that allow for a patient and their doctor to achieve the perfect size for each unique situation.

Although the Lap-Band procedure is much less invasive than traditional bariatric surgery, it is still surgery and must be performed by a qualified Tyler, Texas lap band doctor.  The procedure is usually done laparoscopically, oftentimes on an outpatient basis, and generally takes only about one hour to complete.  There are much fewer risks involved with the Lap-Band surgery than with other methods for surgical weight loss, but there are still risks.  It is a good idea for patients to discuss these risks with their Tyler, Texas physician before deciding if the Lap-Band surgery for weight loss is the right course of action.

As effective as Lap-Band surgery for weight loss in Tyler, Texas is, one must still adhere to a set of special rules for diet in order to keep the weight off.  Any program will fail if not followed properly.